
SEO for Roofing Companies in United States (US)

Step-By-Step SEO for Roofing Companies

Why Do Roofing Businesses Need Online Presence? With the United States Roofing market size growing at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2023 to 2033, it becomes increasingly challenging to make your roofing services stand out and attract potential customers. In this competitive industry, catching the customer’s attention is essential for survival. The online world offers this valuable opportunity, but even here, appearing at the top of search engines for roofing services necessitates strategic SEO.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for roofing companies helps in building strong online presence by improving your website’s ranking on search engines. This, in turn, drives traffic
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SEO vs Google Ads. Which is Better ?

SEO vs. Google Ads: Which is Better?

We’re living in a digital age where “digital marketing” has become synonymous with the core marketing itself, making it an indispensable requirement for business growth. The world of digital marketing offers a wide range of platforms, allowing you to promote your business organically and through paid advertising.  Starting a new business often means working with a tight budget, and carefully considering every investment.So, businesses must figure out which platform best suits their goals and what steps to take. In this blog, we’ll break down the differences between SEO and Google Ads, the two main pillars of digital marketing. Let’s dive
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set up google analytics 4

Step-by-Step Process to Set up Google Analytics GA4

Understanding your website’s traffic is crucial for business owners or marketers. Google Analytics is a powerful tool developed by Google that provides detailed insights into user behavior on your website. It helps you track where your website traffic is coming from, how long visitors stay, and whether they’re engaging with your content. You can also identify which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and conversions, whether it’s through Google organic search, paid ads, social media, or email campaigns. In July 2023, Google shifted from the old version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) to GA4, which is the newer setup.
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Search Generative Experience: The Future of SEO Is Now (And It’s AI-Powered)

The search landscape is evolving, and Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) stands at the forefront of this exciting transformation. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI), SGE aims to revolutionize how we search for information, moving beyond keyword-driven results and towards a more natural, conversational approach.  SGE, with its deep understanding of context and intent, can navigate this ocean of data and deliver exactly what you’re looking for. But, the question that baffles many business owners and digital marketing enthusiasts alike is what SGE holds in the future for SEO? In this article, we’ll understand the basics of SGE
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2 Simple Ways To Delete Reviews From Google

Did you receive a negative review on Google (GMB listing)? We know how disheartening it is to see such reviews when you do your best to deliver quality. That said, having a negative review isn’t the end of the world. Infact, it is healthy to have few negative reviews along with the positive ones, as it shows you are a real business with genuine reviews from real customers. So, it is fine to have a small percentage of negative reviews and at the end of the day, we all are humans, may make mistakes and sometimes things are out of
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Learn How to Conduct Competitor Backlink Analysis Effectively

Link building is one of the most important ranking factors on Google and forms a crucial pillar of a successful SEO strategy. Simply put, link building is a process of getting other websites to link to our site and increasing our site’s credibility, trust and authority for search engines. Whether you have recently started with your SEO endeavour or looking at revisiting your existing link building strategy, a backlink analysis is inevitable. Let’s first understand the meaning of backlink analysis. What is Backlink Analysis? Backlink analysis is a thorough review of your website’s link quantity and the quality of the
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SEO for small business

Digital Marketing Strategies That Works For Small Businesses

“The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it.”- by Ray Croc With constantly changing times and evolving technologies, small businesses are doing everything they can to keep up. Whether a business sells online or operates a physical storefront, having a strong online presence for your brand is crucial. A study says, 70% of consumers visit a store because of information found online. Today’s buyer is a lot more curious and before making a purchase they are most likely to do research online looking
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How To Decide An Optimal Google Ads budget

Not sure about an effective Google advertising budget? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, one of the most common questions that clients ask here at Growth Accelerators is “How much should be my optimal Google ads budget”. Google ad (formerly known as Google Adwords) does not limit an advertiser with a minimum or maximum spend. You end up paying only when someone clicks on your ad for the amount that you have already been bidding for, known as cost per click (CPC). How much you can spend on Google ads depend upon certain factors like: Your advertising goal. Competition
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Step-By-Step SEO Guide For New Website

You’re all set! Your imagination has now come to life. All the hard work has definitely paid up for your new, beautiful, and shiny website is ready to go live. Website undoubtedly is a critical cornerstone for businesses of all sizes and types. The next most critical aspect is to get your website found. Google processes almost a 5.8 billion searches per day. Most likely, your target audience is also looking out for your related products and services on search engines like Google. Thus, making search engine optimization one of the most essential digital marketing activities for every business. SEO,
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How to choose the RIGHT SEO agency: A Quick Guide

If you’re here, reading this post, I am certain you already know the importance of SEO and the impact it can make on your business. Whether a small business, a start-up, an established multinational, all strive for creating visibility amongst the people that matter the most to their business i.e., the potential customers. In an age, when the search landscape is constantly evolving and competition getting fierce with each passing day, only creating visibility is not enough. You need to put the best foot forward each time you are being found by your audience. Hence, the need for a RIGHT
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